Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dear Diary

As I spend my final days holed up in Fondren Library, I think about everything I've learned and done this semester. I actually have a major, who would have thought it! I also have expanded my horizons and declared an art history and cinema television minor. But where will this all really take me? Can I be the next Nancy Rice or Lee Clow? It's tough to say. Sometimes, (well really most times) I just want to stay this age forever. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to be 21, but I want to stay where I am in school and with friends. It's strange to think that we will all move away in two short years.. where we go, it's hard to say, but I'm sure it'll be fantastic. Hopefully I'll be overseas for a while, if my French still suits me well. I think advertising will take me all over the world and I'm glad to fill space on my passport. Wait, why am I thinking about this future business, I should be studying for my FIVE FINALS!! Yea, thanks SMU. Anyways, this blog, although it has been painful to complete at times, has allowed me to write down my thoughts, rather than let them pass me by. So thanks Dr. G making us do this silly things. Will I continue to blog? Probably not, but I will definitely still keep my travel journal which is a bit more private. This is it. I'm finished.Peace.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


I am a believer in evolution. I am also a believer in Global Warming. So I got to thinking, can animals that are losing their homes to Global Warming evolve and adapt to this new environment? Like the polar bears, who I am most heartbroken about losing their homes, can they adapt to their new melting environment? I mean, technically, (very, technically) apes evolved into Neanderthals and we derivative of them (sorry, its been a while since my BIO days) Maybe this is just wishful thinking for the polar bears, but if some of them survive and get used to their new climate maybe then they can pass on those traits to their offspring. I hope I'm right because if they go extinct its our fault!

What If..

I am currently reading a biography on Marilyn Monroe and was thinking the other day, "what if she was still alive today?" Although she did live a pretty tragic life, she had more perseverance and motivation than most people I know. Then I was thinking, what if JFK and Bobby Kennedy were still alive? How different our nation would be. Such great leaders with great plans for our country, and taken so suddenly away from us. It's strange to think what our lives would be like with these people still in it. Hopefully our nation will continue to breed great minds who have an even greater ambition to use them..

Monday, April 21, 2008


Tonight was the premiere of Gossip Girl aka the best day of my life!! (kidding, just) Although we discussed in class how bad and vulgar the advertising was for GG it sooooo does NOT matter. The show was amazing. I'm once again in love with Dan Humphrey and envious of Serena. Who would think that one show could control so many emotions I have! Ha! Also, I asked my friends out of curiosity what they thought of the GG advertisements and they thought they were really sexy and amazing, so there you have it! Looks like the cheap advertisement works! Either way, the show is a total hit and I can't wait to hear how high the ratings were! Do I sound like a a pre-teen or what? Time to go, you know you love me...

xoxo gossip gurl

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Jesus Camp

Today I watched Jesus Camp with a friend who needs to write a paper over a documentary. WHAT THE %^&%? If any of yall have had a chance to see it.. I really don't even know what to say about it. The entire time my eyes were just bugged out and mouth open. It's incredulous that a 9 year old can talk about how Global Warming isn't real and how Evolution is a joke. I understand everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but when your only 9 your opinions are coming from your parents. These kids all talked about being saved again and would talk in tongues whenever the Holy Spirit would "speak through them." The kids were shipped off to camp in North Dakota and would just cry and pray for a week and repent for their "sins" What damage can a 9 year old God fearing child do? Apparently a lot because the children would just bawl the entire time at camp and talk about redemption and faith. Pretty big words for a kid. And I thought going to Catholic School for 9 years was brainwashing...I wish they would do a follow up on these kids once they it puberty and see if they still feel the same way about their Evangelical religion then...Check out the Trailer for the movie..
(Yes, they are pretty much training kids to be an army of God's messengers..)

ITunes Gift Cards= Greatest Gift Ever

As I try to sit down and write an 8 page paper due for Tuesday I can't help but get on my ITunes are browse for new songs. You see, I received ITune gift cards for some birthday or christmas occasion and I just activated them. This way I can download music (legally) and not feel guilty for charging 99 cents on my parents' credit card for every song! Today I downloaded Music of My Heart by NSync and Gloria Estefan. Chances are I probably would not have bought it if I weren't buying it for free. Why do some people do that? It really just leads to excess and greed. Downloading music is a gluttonous hobby yet I can't seem to break away from it. At least I'm doing it legally? Yea, too bad my parents don't really see it that way.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

This is NOT Reality

Why is it that in the movies, people never break up? It's always la la la happy ending, yadda yadda, have a baby, etc. Although I am a sucker for those kinds of movies, I was thinking that that is NOT how real life works. I just saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall, which I blogged about, and it was an alright movie (saw it for Free in Hughs-Trigg) and they broke up, but he ends up with an even hotter new girlfriend! Technically, the only movie I can think of when they break up is The Break-Up with Jen Aniston and Vince Vaughn, but that doesn't count because that's what the movie is about...Why does Hollywood have to portray all these happy marriages and relationships? Maybe couples look to the movies to judge their relationship and when they realize their relationhip isn't movie-worthy, they break up. THIS is the demise of real-life love! Do I sound scorned? Damn. I'm just sayin' it's BS that movies don't have a more equal representation of real-life relationships.. it's always totally in love or totally in angst. Oh the drama...

Pimping out your kids

As I am enjoying a lazy sunday afternoon, watching The Soup with Joel McHale, he is playing back clips of kids being cute and singing on national TV. Cute right? WRONG! Little Bindi Irwin, daughter of legend Steve Irwin, will probably look back and cry when she reviews the tape of her singing about grizzly bears on national TV. However, it does make great TV as my friends and I are dying laughing right now. Why do parents pimp out their kids? It really is embarassing..can they not make their own money? Especially in Bindi's case, her father just died in a freak accident and then she is all over TV, the Martha Stewart show.. what's worse is the father and daughter dance show... isn't that a little incestuous?! There are a bunch of wackos out there and they love being on tv and recognized for it! Here's a clip of Bindi's rap.. try not to laugh too hard..

On a side note, how embarassing would you feel if you were one of the male dancers in her entourage?! HAHA Add that to your resumé!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

So I was thinking...

I was at Central Market today picking up lunch and it got me thinking.. How in the world do they keep all of that food fresh?! There are oodles upon oodles of olives and cheeses and breads and ANYTHING you can possibly think of! Where do they put the food away at night? Especially the food that is ready to cook? Even the flowers are fresh and beautiful! Maybe they have workers in the back like the Coca-Cola commercial we watched the other day in class! Besides keeping the food so fresh and yummy, it really makes me feel guilty for how much food we have at our fingertips and other countries are literally starving themselves to death. And if they really do just throw away the food then it shows how wasteful we really are!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I can't make these kinds of things up!

Yes, believe the rumors if you have heard them. The first baby to be born from a MALE will happen this summer!!! Thomas Beatie, a legal transgendered man and his wife Nancy are expecting their first child July 3, 2008. They are legally married and if you didn't know he was transgendered, you most likely wouldn't think he was ever a female. However, when the couple decided to have a baby, Nancy, who had a hysterectomy, couldn't have children and so I'm assuming they took the next logical step- HE would have the baby!! What a role reversal! All he had to do was stop taking his testosterone injections and wham, got knocked up. Yes, it is VERY VERY strange to see a pregnant male, but wow, what if this was really possibly and men and women could pick and choose who would carry the baby? Although Beatie is a legal male, he did not change his sex organs, making the delivery possible..Yes, this story will raise eyebrows but you have to remember than an innocent baby is about to be born with no clue what kind of history she is going to make. (Yes, it's a girl). Though the couple denies thinking this situation is weird, COME ON! They must have known this would be national news when they decided this! Also, I'm assuming they used a sperm donation so I wonder what the medical office that administered this said when he walked in and asked for sperm... SO many questions, which I'm such will be answered very soon. I will be very interested to see the follow up of this family after the birth, for I'm assuming they will receive much media coverage..

I really love Sarah Marshall

Have you seen this advertisements? They are everywhere and not to mention are hilarious! When I first saw the billboard above J.D.'s Chippery, I thought, dannngg someoneone just got their heart broken. Don't know what I'm talking about? The billboard says, in huge letters, "I am SO over you Sarah Marshall!" Then, if you look in the right corner, there is a website: www.IhateSarahMarshall.com. Turns out, it's a movie promotion but I thought it was a real-life ad about a girl in this area and her ex-lover put up a huge billboard to spite her. Great advertising skills! I don't know anything about the movie or who is in it, but I am dying to know more!

Here's a YouTube of the movie, but if I didn't know any better, it's just a crazy ex-bf trying to get revenge on his ex- girlfriend. So funny!!! The website it made to look like an actual blog too! Check it out if you get a chance!