Sunday, April 20, 2008

Jesus Camp

Today I watched Jesus Camp with a friend who needs to write a paper over a documentary. WHAT THE %^&%? If any of yall have had a chance to see it.. I really don't even know what to say about it. The entire time my eyes were just bugged out and mouth open. It's incredulous that a 9 year old can talk about how Global Warming isn't real and how Evolution is a joke. I understand everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but when your only 9 your opinions are coming from your parents. These kids all talked about being saved again and would talk in tongues whenever the Holy Spirit would "speak through them." The kids were shipped off to camp in North Dakota and would just cry and pray for a week and repent for their "sins" What damage can a 9 year old God fearing child do? Apparently a lot because the children would just bawl the entire time at camp and talk about redemption and faith. Pretty big words for a kid. And I thought going to Catholic School for 9 years was brainwashing...I wish they would do a follow up on these kids once they it puberty and see if they still feel the same way about their Evangelical religion then...Check out the Trailer for the movie..
(Yes, they are pretty much training kids to be an army of God's messengers..)

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