Friday, February 29, 2008


So, I am a sophomore and in Wellness 1. It's a joke, I know, but this class is starting to feel like group therapy! People really do not censor what they say to the class. I know more about these people's lives and I don't even know their names! I feel like I'm in AA or some anonymous, court administered meeting. In the beginning I liked wellness; we talked about wellness of yourself and la di da-it was what I expected. Now when I go to class I leave feeling awful for these people in my class and question my own behavior. Today I learned that more than 5 people had alcoholics in their family and how badly is affects their life. WTF?! Downer. I know that that is bad to say but I'd rather just not know about these things about people I do not know at all. And my teacher eats it all up. He LOVES how my class is so open, just added fuel to the fire. Maybe this class is overwhelming for me because I am so non-confrontational and it irks me that some people can just chat all damn day about their cocaine-addicted brother..Yea, you sit in this class and try not to feel awkward...

I even bet La Lohan didn't have to do this shiz in Rehab!

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