Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What do YOU think?!

I was reading on the Internet that Jack Kevorkian, aka Dr. Death is thinking of running for a congressional seat in Michigan. "I have never been a political person. I have only voted once in my life," he said. He is 79 and was just released from jail for "helping" a patient with Lou Gerig's disease die. He was convicted of second degree murder. Is it helping or just plain murder? What would you do if you were the patient? More importantly, if you were Kevorkian, would you think you were really helping or would you think something more satanical than that? Pretty messy stuff, but Jack got away with it because he had the patient's "permission." But if you're that ill, do you really know wahat you are signing your name to? I'm sure the jury was presented with plenty of different arguments but it sounds like they made the right decision. Now we watch and see if the people will actually vote him into the House!

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